- BOTAK/ BALD hair day -

November 6, 2010 is the day I decided to shave my hair. Some of my friends know it but ignore it and thought I am just kidding. My heart won’t change after I have decided it.

24th Dec – Christmas Eve is the day I have shaved my hair. Do you believe it or not?
Many of my friends really thought I am kidding but it has become reality.
Maybe there is no reason why I did this.
Maybe there are some reasons why I did this.
Only it can be a secret.

Once I really did it, my friends all felt so surprised. Some are asking me why I did it, some said “thumb up”,  some are praising, some are angry on me because I have broke the “long hair” promise, some are terribly shocked and keep asking me 1,000 +++ of questions till I don’t know how to answer. (HAHA, sorry…)

For me, I prefer to put everything inside my heart till I really cannot stand it, I will throw out all my “badness” gas on myself, not on my friends because they are innocent. So, when I have threw it by myself, I felt so relief and happy. Even though my parents are much disagreed what I have done on myself – shaved my hair. My mom told me not to do this; because of Chinese New Year is coming soon and she wishes to have a normal daughter I think? My mind popped out “WHY? Why every parents wish to have a daughter with long hair, not short hair?” Oh ya, most of the girls/ladies look pretty with long hair and majority of guys love to see/have long hair girls/ladies, isn’t it?

Sometimes, short hair is easier to care than long hair, can rush although nearly late, and of course feel more relief – not heavy. I did long hair before when I am in a very young age – kinder garden till primary 3. After I have short hair, I really prefer short hair than long hair. (HAHA) 

- 龟仔 -

- 长大 -



之前 太多了遗憾,太多的折磨,态多的伤痕,太多的压力,


-17th Dec. 2010/Thursday-

薄纸? 手帕?



所谓的薄纸 – 我们用了,当然把它扔掉。然后再拿新的一张来用。
这种的薄纸 –让人伤痛也难以忘记。既然都在一起,何必呢?虽然每个人都不能完美了解一个人,但彼此的信任是非常重要。当然的;家人的信任,朋友的信任,知道或了解世界的真真假假也是很重要。

所谓的手帕 – 我们用了,肮脏了,就把它洗干净。然后再用回去,把它放进口袋。需要的时候,就把它拿出来用。
是 指一个人好好地对待爱人。结了婚/未婚,爱爱了。但是,还是好好地对待他/她。虽然吵了架,两人还是像老夫妻感情似的。爱情方面,爱爱不代表爱情的所有。 爱爱只是一部分的爱情的需要。不要乱来吧。有时间,有空间的时候;就好好利用时间 – 培养两人的感情。因为我相信当两人真的有他们的空间时,他们就会回想到他们之前的甜蜜蜜!好好珍惜对方;偶尔给点惊喜,让彼此的爱情就有“曲”的感情和生 活。

- 30 minutes -

A day which start with sunny day! A day that i woke up late!
Argh, I suddenly felt that I am useless, keep sleep late and wake up late. I should do something for my family. Is enough time for me to rest myself. Wake up! Wake up! Wake up! Please stop enter a dream land from tomorrow.

Hey, I do as usual activities with my family. And, my little brother asked me to go to have a swim around evening time. I was so excited but with shame emotion with him because I am not really know how to swim well. I was shocked when I know my siblings know how to swim. Glad to know their skills.

Okay,once we reached swimming pool's door, I felt weird and the door was closed. I looked at my little brother and asked him whether there is available or not. He looked at me and i looked at him back with my wide smile. He asked to stop smiling and please serious. He is really bad! I asked him to walk back to back home. He is sporting enough and accept it. We walked through main road and I keep laughing and said my sibling.

Once we reached our home, my neighbor told us that swimming pool do not open every Monday. (haha, terrible + funny day for me)  Anyway, I did enjoy my short walk with my little sibling. At least we have exercise for 30 minutes, right?

Have a nice evening!

- 龟仔- 
-22nd Nov. 2010/Monday-

- Gaya Street Day -

Hey, people. Do you know what is Gaya Street? It is well-known in Sabah.

Today I am enjoying it with my roommate and we have realized a lot of things around us.

First, enjoying my bus trip in the bus and asked a Malay kid to sit with me. It is nice! They way she smiled, the way she looked at me is totally let me recalled certain things. Ya, is true that everyone has a good smile and treat everyone good. However, when you growing up, you will face a lot of incidents and we might change our mind set - everyone might good but are they truly a good person? I wish she can be a good girl when she grows up, respects her parents and be herself.
Besides, we saw a sexy girl who wearing a pair of sexy pants; a bus assistant who has a good voice, humor and good manners; a sexy guy walking at the road side. I even took photo with the bus assistant. He is really fun! Thanks.

I met my friend too in Gaya Street. Hey, be man! (opps, haha) Snake changed it skin! Turtle hide itself in its black shell. Dogs sleepy styles. Rabbits awaiting for its new owner. Hamsters move actively. Cats? No comments. XD

Even we saw a pair of sexy pants in a shop! She might bought it from there. It really attracts guy's attention! Even a group of friends who stand beside me keep talking about that girl's pants.

Enjoying laksa, an old man come over! He makes me weak. Hey, I wish to be bad - just reject; but i failed. He is totally beat me down. I gave him pennies and hope he used it in correct ways.

Life is full of sorrows sometimes. I didn't see an old man who with a violin case. I wish I can see him but no.

I even bought 5 turtle key chains! Very excited! At last, there are some new/latest products of turtles. I miss YOU, turtles. I will buy another of turtles next time. Wait me, turtles!

Ehm, i saw some real turtles too! I wish to buy it but I scare it dies. I still miss my GZ. Hope it rest in peace!

Whoa!~ I really start to feel that my instinct with weather is quite accurate. Once we reached our home, it rained. Thanks for God blessings.

Have a nice weekend!

-14th Sept. 2010/Sunday-
 农夫 (Feat. 黄秋生) -
填词:6 Wing / C Kwan
监制:C Kwan

几多几多年 通街通街奔波 我屋企都无返过
无好好地坐一坐 个看更睇一睇我 你到底边个
系我猛禁错 猛禁错个密码锁
妈子好似老咗 面都凹咗 好似瘦咗
我无认真去 好好睇真佢
平时返亲去屋企 每次都好醉
返嚟就瞓 瞓醒就走 拍拍箩柚 有时间抖抖
净系识约朋友饮酒 饮完就擦 擦咗就呕
拧转头有碗汤摆喺台 摆到冻晒
依然未饮过一啖 几时先搵返一晚
一家人食返一餐 安乐茶饭

Isn't it a miracle? It's another miracle
Isn't it a miracle? It's another miracle
Now I believe , I believe
Miracles can be. Now I believe , I believe
Miracles can be. Now I believe

喂俾我 喂俾我讲句真系多谢
我要谢谢家姐 细个觉得你烦
出嚟做嘢 先知你烦唔过啲老板
多谢哥哥 成日同我争
争嘢玩 争到烂 我奸到争住喊
但系出面嘅难关 几难同人争
就算几想喊 都要笑得好灿烂
我老豆从来唔开口 细个嘅时候 我以为佢系哑架
可怕 都唔及而家大家讲亲系废话 话讲真系假架
妈妈 细个你拖我手 大个我拖女朋友咁多个年头
啲人无品会问我系贵亲 屋企人唔驶问永远当我系贵宾

Isn't it a miracle? It's another miracle
Isn't it a miracle? It's another miracle
Now I believe , I believe
Miracles can be. Now I believe , I believe
Miracles can be. Now I believe

- First Time -

Everyone got their first time. I am not exceptional too!

Last night, automatically and suddenly my roommate and I able to have a long chat and dinner with housemates. It is a pleasure that we share together although not everyone is here.

.Sharing without any boundaries. 
.Friendship forever.
.Be more outgoing, and you will realize a lot of things that happened around you.
.Love without blindness.
.Maturity between us.
.People's relationship has 3 stages.
.Girls emotional, Guys ego attitudes.
.God always guides you. 
.Sandwich theory.
.Stable relationship.

From all the conversations that we have chat last night, I really think a lot. Maybe it is truth that I haven't ready and meet anyone is really good and important to me. Appreciate the person that around you now before it is late. Ya, different people got different perception as well. So, respect others and respect yourself, at least you know what you are doing is worth enough.

- Welcome to my blog -

Em, I will try use this site to tell what is my feeling is when it is needed. 
I hope I can recall some memories through here. 

Life - everyone has their own spesification

Different people have their different life of view.
Just see how we handle and use our life preciously. 
The life that was given by God cannot be turned back.
So, please appreciate the life that you have.