What everyone wish to do on this day? Actually this festival also a day of my grandpa passed away day on the year 2010. I wish to have mooncake with grandparents and my family but he has passed away and ready to enter new world.

I did miss him sometimes but what can I do? I just can always remember to visit him and give him a respect on his death day. Add, I believe he has a good life in the other world. I LOVE YOU, this is what I want to scream for him at Tajung Aru that time. I scare people thought I am crazy, so I just screamed from my heart. :)

Ya, simple celebration with my friends. Thanks a lot! She keeps want me to celebrate this festival. I am so shy to follow her and join her friends plus having dinner in her house. (SHY) At least, I can feel KK Hakka dishes!

Michelle Chin
10.49pm/24th September 2011


1 一吐為快;
2 開懷大笑;
3 聽聽音樂;
4 閱讀書報;
5 適量運動;
6 大喊大叫;
7 與人為善;
8 不要挑剔;
9 留有餘地; 
10 學會暫避;
11 不當超人;
12 放慢節奏;
13 做些讓步;
14 遇事沉著;
15 逐一解決;
16 熄滅怒火;
17 做點好事;
18 眺望遠方;
19 換個環境;
20 外出旅遊