
有时候的我看到妈妈在睡午觉的时候,... ...
会偷偷的...,静静的看看妈妈的脸... ...
然后,....靠近地看着他的脸... ... 就发现到妈妈的脸多了好多皱纹....她也多久没有好好的享受她的生活了... ...

当妈妈决定和爸爸这个婚姻的时候,我相信妈妈已自备...做个最好的老婆,...最好的妈妈,...最好的陪伴者! 妈妈在我16岁的时候,就是我爸爸差点出事的那天...告诉我他们所经历的路程... 这让我开始感觉到妈妈对我的信任...妈妈对我的期望...妈妈对我的希望...再加, 妈妈对我的眼神让我感到他需要的是什么...

想一想看..,妈妈呀, 他以前的时候是怎么样的...他的责任是什么...简单的说,我们现在做什么角色..妈妈就是什么角色...读书, 毕业, 工作, 家人, 最后终于有了自己的家庭... 所以他的责任可重大的很...

现在的妈妈, 它忽略了很多为了搞好一个温馨的家庭...


妈妈啊, 把她打扮的时间为孩子做三餐... 把她爱美的时间为爸爸配衣服烫衣服...

妈妈啊, 把她所储蓄的钱为我们买衣服和种种的东西,而他自己却没有...所以妈妈有时看起来随便...,请别怪他... 因为他节省了他的所有, 给我们需要的...也给公公婆婆,外公外婆生活费... 

妈妈啊,每天为我们唠叨... 唠叨什么丫? 我们都不知道, 也不体会... 唠叨他口水都干, 都还不断的唠叨... 我们就把她的唠叨当成了念经... 当你开始会抽烟的时候, 他就每天都为你担心因为抽了烟灰伤了肺... 当你开始会喝酒后, 她也为你担心因为喝了太多会伤了你的肝... 

妈妈啊, 有时的我们就不体会妈妈的厨艺...直到我们不在她的身边, 我们却想起他多用心的准备三餐给我们... 当我们觉得她煮的不好吃时, 却不断地批评... 妈妈的心, 我们却没理会... 当我们觉得她煮的超级好吃时, 我们却一直吵着妈妈再煮, 再煮! 妈妈开心的像孩子一般, 和我们一起享用...

妈妈啊, 用心良苦的把我们看待... 当他终于可以买到她想吃的东西时, 我们却把它偷偷吃了... 留也没有... 当他看到包装的时候, 却微笑着说: "原来我的孩子和我的口味是一样的." 你这慈祥的一面, 把握融化了...

妈妈, 你的心声是什么? 还有吗?有什么是我可以为你做吗?
妈妈说道: " 亲爱的, 只要你有时间, 在我身边... 我就以满足了... 最多, 我要你带我去 travelling 或者.... "
我好奇的问道: " 什么?! 快说啦!!!"
妈妈笑着回答: " 你这傻瓜, 当然是让我和你爸爸二人世界."

哈哈! 抱歉嘛! 我就是有点慢....(这就是我) 

Chelle Chin
12.55am/ 27th April 2011


Hey guys! Twitter! Do you guys playing twitter instead of Facebook? I felt so funny when i looked back my first post in Twitter! Guess what is my 1st tweet!
........................It is "Just join Twitter. Trying to use it now! :p" <<---- (Haha)
2nd tweet it tweet is "Oowh~ still not really know how to use it ==" 
I am wondering why i tweet those two! It reminds me how blank am I when I just started to use it.

Sometimes, Twitter is better than Facebook where I can tweet thousands of posts in one day EVEN millions of it. 

Tweet when you are ANGRY.
Tweet when you are HAPPY.
Tweet when you are SAD!
Tweet when you feel like wanna SHOW OFF!

Tweet when you are MISSING someone!
Tweet when you are CRAZY!
Tweet when you are too EMO!
Tweet when you are getting NERVOUS!
Tweet what feeling are you today!
Tweet what you have done today!
Tweet what are you dream off!
Tweet what you want to tell to the twitter world!
Tweet what you feel to the twitter world! (JUST TWEET!)

@mentions with your friends instead of SMS-ing!
@mentions your friends when you are missing them! (JUST @MENTIONS!)

Favourite the sentence/link/ you LIKE.

Following the people that you wish to follow. KEEP UPDATE with them and READ what they tweet! Their tweets are motivated/meaningful/lovely/nature sometimes. Moreover, they give guidances as well. ^^

Those who are interested on you, will be your FOLLOWER seems they wish to know more about you and what you tweets. They even wish to see how is your daily life and habits.

Retweet those tweets which you think is meaningful!

From TRENDS, you can link it with what are you doing. For example, #nowplaying (SONGS or WHATEVER)

Either you can make your profile private or public. Twitties able to read your tweets without adding/following you up in Twitters if you make your profile public while Twitties unable to read what you tweets if you make your profile privately.

HEY! Wait for what again? Start Twitter! (haha)
Just add me up if you wish to follow me or friend with me! TURTLE_4EVA
Nice to meet you guys!

CheLLe Chin
23th April 2011/ 5.10pm