农夫 (Feat. 黄秋生) -
填词:6 Wing / C Kwan
监制:C Kwan

几多几多年 通街通街奔波 我屋企都无返过
无好好地坐一坐 个看更睇一睇我 你到底边个
系我猛禁错 猛禁错个密码锁
妈子好似老咗 面都凹咗 好似瘦咗
我无认真去 好好睇真佢
平时返亲去屋企 每次都好醉
返嚟就瞓 瞓醒就走 拍拍箩柚 有时间抖抖
净系识约朋友饮酒 饮完就擦 擦咗就呕
拧转头有碗汤摆喺台 摆到冻晒
依然未饮过一啖 几时先搵返一晚
一家人食返一餐 安乐茶饭

Isn't it a miracle? It's another miracle
Isn't it a miracle? It's another miracle
Now I believe , I believe
Miracles can be. Now I believe , I believe
Miracles can be. Now I believe

喂俾我 喂俾我讲句真系多谢
我要谢谢家姐 细个觉得你烦
出嚟做嘢 先知你烦唔过啲老板
多谢哥哥 成日同我争
争嘢玩 争到烂 我奸到争住喊
但系出面嘅难关 几难同人争
就算几想喊 都要笑得好灿烂
我老豆从来唔开口 细个嘅时候 我以为佢系哑架
可怕 都唔及而家大家讲亲系废话 话讲真系假架
妈妈 细个你拖我手 大个我拖女朋友咁多个年头
啲人无品会问我系贵亲 屋企人唔驶问永远当我系贵宾

Isn't it a miracle? It's another miracle
Isn't it a miracle? It's another miracle
Now I believe , I believe
Miracles can be. Now I believe , I believe
Miracles can be. Now I believe

- First Time -

Everyone got their first time. I am not exceptional too!

Last night, automatically and suddenly my roommate and I able to have a long chat and dinner with housemates. It is a pleasure that we share together although not everyone is here.

.Sharing without any boundaries. 
.Friendship forever.
.Be more outgoing, and you will realize a lot of things that happened around you.
.Love without blindness.
.Maturity between us.
.People's relationship has 3 stages.
.Girls emotional, Guys ego attitudes.
.God always guides you. 
.Sandwich theory.
.Stable relationship.

From all the conversations that we have chat last night, I really think a lot. Maybe it is truth that I haven't ready and meet anyone is really good and important to me. Appreciate the person that around you now before it is late. Ya, different people got different perception as well. So, respect others and respect yourself, at least you know what you are doing is worth enough.

- Welcome to my blog -

Em, I will try use this site to tell what is my feeling is when it is needed. 
I hope I can recall some memories through here. 

Life - everyone has their own spesification

Different people have their different life of view.
Just see how we handle and use our life preciously. 
The life that was given by God cannot be turned back.
So, please appreciate the life that you have.