Challenge Myself Day !

It's Sunday - 18.12.2011! Happy Sunday, everyone. 

My dad came and find me for breakfast once again. I am so excited but again, I offed my alarm and slept back. Luckily I still managed to remember that "I HAVE A DATE WITH MY DAD!" I jumped off from my bed and prepared myself. Once I opened the door, I saw my dad reading newspapers in the car. Opps! Sorry, dad! I am not purpose one~ Heheee... What a happy morning starting.

Then, again, old place - Fu Yuan at Gaya Street there, we having our breakfast. Great! We chit chat till nearly 10am something (if not mistaken). My dad asked me whether I am busy or not. I said NO without thinking anything. He asked any interesting place to go and what to do. I said let's explore till where we can! He NODDED his head and AGREED. I WOW and he answered Beaufort! I said Yeah~ But....., we failed. (Mission Failed)

Funny! We have drove wrong directions. We simply guess and we saw Tuaran signboard. We continued the journey till Telipok. He told me his story when he was Telipok when he is young. Wow! Chat so much in the journey and we saw lots of stalls at roadside. Feeling wanna buy something to bite but my dad said "Better don't. If you have prepared to go to toilet halfway, you may." I laughed and answered " I don't wish to shit-shit at the roadside please." My dad laughed and we just have a look and take some photos there. The most attractive for me is "jagung panggang". I love the way they barbecue it. 

Continue our journey till we reached Kota Belut! (Opps, bad captured because I captured the pic from car. So, sorry ya.) A lot of people walking around and we just passed through Kota Belut and we continue our journey again till Kudat since my dad said continue till Kudat! I getting more excited! We saw "Misomporu Homestay" signboard on the way to Kudat. Most of the roads are damaged so REMIND to drivers, please be careful in a long driving journey. Many paddy fields as well. I love the paddy fields, really green and many cows as well. We saw 2 horses also. Lucky! Again, we have met 6 malay's house organizing wedding ceremony. Traffic jam, man! Haha.. 

At last, we managed to reach Kudat! Great! My friend told me she didn't see Kudat signboard last time when she went there. This time, Kudat signboard is there. And, surely, this Kudat signboard made me more confirmed that we have reached the correct place. Glad! Because of time limitation, we just managed to have a walk in Fish Market and my dad bought my favourite fish. I just know how it looks like but I don't know what its name. Is very hard for me to buy this fish, and I am so lucky again. My dad bought all of it. He said he will cook it as our dinner. (Appreciated)

We enjoyed our lunch in one of the Chinese Seafood Restaurant. It is a family business restaurant. Only 1 worker they used. The siblings help up their parents. Good simple family. The dishes are prepared by the husband. My dad and I really satisfied with the lunch. Fresh seafood, delicious and less ajinomoto they used. Thankful for them. After that, we continue our journey back to Kota Kinabalu city. 

Once my dad back, my dad prepared the dishes in his friend's house. I helped him up by preparing vege soup. I never expected that vege got thorns. It really hurt me in the begining because I don't know at all. I just prepared half, my dad chase me out from kitchen and wants me to rest. I still insist want to help him but his face expression makes me weak. Oh NO! Ok, sit quietly in living room and read newspapers. At last! The dishes are out. I am hungry. Uncle (my dad's friend) is back! We chit chat again while having dinner. Like family dinner. After dinner, my dad sent me back home. 

The most handsome MOMENT of my dad!

Great Sunday! I never expected my dad willing to explore with me without any Sabah guidelines or booklet or even map. Thanks dad! 

Who will be the next then?! To explore KK with me without any map? *naughty*

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